


來(lái)源:http://www.igugo.cn/ 發(fā)布時(shí)間:2020-03-24

  In the process of cold rolling, the oil residue on the surface of strip seriously affects the appearance quality of strip. The cold rolling mill of aluminum plate manufacturer is a domestic equipment, and there are few methods to remove oil from the surface of aluminum plate. Therefore, according to the production practice, the oil removal on the plate surface has been improved. The rolling line is increased by 20 mm. Oil guide plates are installed on both sides of the bottom of the air purification roller, and oil wiping devices with adjustable width are installed on both sides of the exit guide roller to reduce the oil pollution on the surface of the plate belt.

  1. Surface oil of upper plate and oil transfer measures安裝一個(gè)弧形擋油板的頂部支撐輥,這樣石油從拱門不落在支撐輥,但沿著擋油板流空氣濾清器,以及支持輥動(dòng)搖石油也流沿?fù)跤桶蹇諝鉃V清器;嗎?嗎?(2)在空氣滾筒清潔器上部與集油罩之間懸掛可移動(dòng)的薄鋁板,使油滴不能穿過(guò)空氣滾筒清潔器濺在鋁板上;嗎?嗎?(3)在空氣濾清器滾筒底部?jī)蓚?cè)安裝易拆卸的導(dǎo)油板,使空氣濾清器滾筒上的油直接導(dǎo)向集油池。
  Install a top supporting roller of arc-shaped oil baffle, so that the oil does not fall on the supporting roller from the arch, but flows along the oil baffle to the air filter, and the oil also flows along the oil baffle to the air filter when the supporting roller shakes; is it? Is it? (2) a movable thin aluminum plate is hung between the upper part of the air cylinder cleaner and the oil collecting cover, so that the oil drops cannot be splashed on the aluminum plate through the air cylinder cleaner; Do you? Do you? (3) install easily removable oil guide plates on both sides of the bottom of the air cleaner drum to direct the oil on the air cleaner drum to the sump.
  2. 下板表面除油措施
  2. Oil removal measures for lower plate surface(1)適當(dāng)改善軋制線,目前軋機(jī)有20mm的調(diào)整空間.用空氣吹板表面。(2)調(diào)整吹嘴位置,風(fēng)壓不低于0.5mpa,保證側(cè)掃油效果(3)在出口偏導(dǎo)板兩側(cè)設(shè)置寬度可調(diào)的擦油裝置。
  (1) At present, the rolling mill has 20 mm adjustment space, and the surface of the plate is blown by air. (2) Adjust the position of the blowing nozzle, and the wind pressure shall not be less than 0.5MPa, so as to ensure the side oil cleaning effect. (3) set the oil wiping device with adjustable width on both sides of the outlet deflector.
  3. Strengthen cold rolling and cross cutting groove cleaning(1)加強(qiáng)對(duì)冷軋通道的清洗,成品前必須清洗通道,清洗軋制通道;(2)在橫切生產(chǎn)中合理控制噴油量,提高矯直機(jī)的清洗質(zhì)量,有效降低橫切油。
  (1) To strengthen the cleaning of cold rolling channel, the channel and rolling channel must be cleaned before the finished product; (2) in the crosscutting production, reasonably control the injection quantity, improve the cleaning quality of the straightener, and effectively reduce the crosscutting oil.
  以上是鋁板生產(chǎn)廠家為大家介紹的相關(guān)內(nèi)容,想要了解更多內(nèi)容,歡迎訪問(wèn)網(wǎng)站:http://www.igugo.cnThe above is the relevant content introduced by the aluminum plate manufacturer for you. To learn more, please visit the website: http://www.jndclyxgs.com